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Hello World! on Android
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Attention: Thanks for your interest in MediaPipe! We have moved to https://developers.google.com/mediapipe as the primary developer documentation site for MediaPipe as of April 3, 2023.
This codelab uses MediaPipe on an Android device.
What you will learn
How to develop an Android application that uses MediaPipe and run a MediaPipe graph on Android.
What you will build
A simple camera app for real-time Sobel edge detection applied to a live video stream on an Android device.
- Install MediaPipe on your system, see MediaPipe installation guide for details.
- Install Android Development SDK and Android NDK. See how to do so also in [MediaPipe installation guide].
- Enable developer options on your Android device.
- Setup Bazel on your system to build and deploy the Android app.
Graph for edge detection
We will be using the following graph, edge_detection_mobile_gpu.pbtxt
# MediaPipe graph that performs GPU Sobel edge detection on a live video stream.
# Used in the examples in
# mediapipe/examples/android/src/java/com/mediapipe/apps/basic and
# mediapipe/examples/ios/edgedetectiongpu.
# Images coming into and out of the graph.
input_stream: "input_video"
output_stream: "output_video"
# Converts RGB images into luminance images, still stored in RGB format.
node: {
calculator: "LuminanceCalculator"
input_stream: "input_video"
output_stream: "luma_video"
# Applies the Sobel filter to luminance images stored in RGB format.
node: {
calculator: "SobelEdgesCalculator"
input_stream: "luma_video"
output_stream: "output_video"
A visualization of the graph is shown below:
This graph has a single input stream named input_video
for all incoming frames
that will be provided by your device's camera.
The first node in the graph, LuminanceCalculator
, takes a single packet (image
frame) and applies a change in luminance using an OpenGL shader. The resulting
image frame is sent to the luma_video
output stream.
The second node, SobelEdgesCalculator
applies edge detection to incoming
packets in the luma_video
stream and outputs results in output_video
Our Android application will display the output image frames of the
Initial minimal application setup
We first start with an simple Android application that displays "Hello World!"
on the screen. You may skip this step if you are familiar with building Android
applications using bazel
Create a new directory where you will create your Android application. For
example, the complete code of this tutorial can be found at
. We
will refer to this path as $APPLICATION_PATH
throughout the codelab.
Note that in the path to the application:
- The application is named
. - The
of the application iscom.google.mediapipe.apps.basic
. This is used in code snippets in this tutorial, so please remember to use your own$PACKAGE_PATH
when you copy/use the code snippets.
Add a file activity_main.xml
to $APPLICATION_PATH/res/layout
. This displays
a TextView
on the full screen of the application with the string Hello World!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<android.support.constraint.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:text="Hello World!"
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
Add a simple MainActivity.java
which loads the content
of the activity_main.xml
layout as shown below:
package com.google.mediapipe.apps.basic;
import android.os.Bundle;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
/** Bare-bones main activity. */
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Add a manifest file, AndroidManifest.xml
, which
launches MainActivity
on application start:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:targetSdkVersion="19" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
In our application we are using a Theme.AppCompat
theme in the app, so we need
appropriate theme references. Add colors.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<color name="colorPrimary">#008577</color>
<color name="colorPrimaryDark">#00574B</color>
<color name="colorAccent">#D81B60</color>
Add styles.xml
to $APPLICATION_PATH/res/values/
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
<!-- Customize your theme here. -->
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
<item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
To build the application, add a BUILD
, and
and ${mainActivity}
in the manifest will be replaced by strings
specified in BUILD
as shown below.
name = "basic_lib",
srcs = glob(["*.java"]),
manifest = "AndroidManifest.xml",
resource_files = glob(["res/**"]),
deps = [
name = "helloworld",
manifest = "AndroidManifest.xml",
manifest_values = {
"applicationId": "com.google.mediapipe.apps.basic",
"appName": "Hello World",
"mainActivity": ".MainActivity",
multidex = "native",
deps = [
The android_library
rule adds dependencies for MainActivity
, resource files
and AndroidManifest.xml
The android_binary
rule, uses the basic_lib
Android library generated to
build a binary APK for installation on your Android device.
To build the app, use the following command:
bazel build -c opt --config=android_arm64 $APPLICATION_PATH:helloworld
Install the generated APK file using adb install
. For example:
adb install bazel-bin/$APPLICATION_PATH/helloworld.apk
Open the application on your device. It should display a screen with the text
Hello World!
Using the camera via CameraX
Camera Permissions
To use the camera in our application, we need to request the user to provide
access to the camera. To request camera permissions, add the following to
<!-- For using the camera -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
Change the minimum SDK version to 21
and target SDK version to 27
in the
same file:
android:targetSdkVersion="27" />
This ensures that the user is prompted to request camera permission and enables us to use the CameraX library for camera access.
To request camera permissions, we can use a utility provided by MediaPipe
components, namely PermissionHelper
. To use it, add a dependency
in the
rule in BUILD
To use the PermissionHelper
in MainActivity
, add the following line to the
This prompts the user with a dialog on the screen to request for permissions to use the camera in this application.
Add the following code to handle the user response:
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(
int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) {
super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
PermissionHelper.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
protected void onResume() {
if (PermissionHelper.cameraPermissionsGranted(this)) {
public void startCamera() {}
We will leave the startCamera()
method empty for now. When the user responds
to the prompt, the MainActivity
will resume and onResume()
will be called.
The code will confirm that permissions for using the camera have been granted,
and then will start the camera.
Rebuild and install the application. You should now see a prompt requesting access to the camera for the application.
Note: If the there is no dialog prompt, uninstall and reinstall the application.
This may also happen if you haven't changed the minSdkVersion
in the AndroidManifest.xml
Camera Access
With camera permissions available, we can start and fetch frames from the camera.
To view the frames from the camera we will use a SurfaceView
. Each frame
from the camera will be stored in a SurfaceTexture
object. To use these, we
first need to change the layout of our application.
Remove the entire TextView
code block from
and add the following code
android:text="@string/no_camera_access" />
This code block has a new FrameLayout
named preview_display_layout
and a
nested inside it, named no_camera_access_preview
. When camera
access permissions are not granted, our application will display the
with a string message, stored in the variable no_camera_access
Add the following line in the $APPLICATION_PATH/res/values/strings.xml
<string name="no_camera_access" translatable="false">Please grant camera permissions.</string>
When the user doesn't grant camera permission, the screen will now look like this:
Now, we will add the SurfaceTexture
and SurfaceView
objects to
private SurfaceTexture previewFrameTexture;
private SurfaceView previewDisplayView;
In the onCreate(Bundle)
function, add the following two lines before
requesting camera permissions:
previewDisplayView = new SurfaceView(this);
And now add the code defining setupPreviewDisplayView()
private void setupPreviewDisplayView() {
ViewGroup viewGroup = findViewById(R.id.preview_display_layout);
We define a new SurfaceView
object and add it to the
object so that we can use it to display
the camera frames using a SurfaceTexture
object named previewFrameTexture
To use previewFrameTexture
for getting camera frames, we will use CameraX.
MediaPipe provides a utility named CameraXPreviewHelper
to use CameraX.
This class updates a listener when camera is started via
onCameraStarted(@Nullable SurfaceTexture)
To use this utility, modify the BUILD
file to add a dependency on
Now import CameraXPreviewHelper
and add the following line to
private CameraXPreviewHelper cameraHelper;
Now, we can add our implementation to startCamera()
public void startCamera() {
cameraHelper = new CameraXPreviewHelper();
surfaceTexture -> {
previewFrameTexture = surfaceTexture;
// Make the display view visible to start showing the preview.
This creates a new CameraXPreviewHelper
object and adds an anonymous
listener on the object. When cameraHelper
signals that the camera has started
and a surfaceTexture
to grab frames is available, we save that
as previewFrameTexture
, and make the previewDisplayView
visible so that we can start seeing frames from the previewFrameTexture
However, before starting the camera, we need to decide which camera we want to
use. CameraXPreviewHelper
inherits from CameraHelper
which provides two
options, FRONT
and BACK
. We can pass in the decision from the BUILD
as metadata such that no code change is required to build another version of the
app using a different camera.
Assuming we want to use BACK
camera to perform edge detection on a live scene
that we view from the camera, add the metadata into AndroidManifest.xml
<meta-data android:name="cameraFacingFront" android:value="${cameraFacingFront}"/>
and specify the selection in BUILD
in the helloworld
android binary rule
with a new entry in manifest_values
manifest_values = {
"applicationId": "com.google.mediapipe.apps.basic",
"appName": "Hello World",
"mainActivity": ".MainActivity",
"cameraFacingFront": "False",
Now, in MainActivity
to retrieve the metadata specified in manifest_values
add an ApplicationInfo
private ApplicationInfo applicationInfo;
In the onCreate()
function, add:
try {
applicationInfo =
getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Cannot find application info: " + e);
Now add the following line at the end of the startCamera()
CameraHelper.CameraFacing cameraFacing =
applicationInfo.metaData.getBoolean("cameraFacingFront", false)
? CameraHelper.CameraFacing.FRONT
: CameraHelper.CameraFacing.BACK;
cameraHelper.startCamera(this, cameraFacing, /*unusedSurfaceTexture=*/ null);
At this point, the application should build successfully. However, when you run
the application on your device, you will see a black screen (even though camera
permissions have been granted). This is because even though we save the
variable provided by the CameraXPreviewHelper
, the
doesn't use its output and display it on screen yet.
Since we want to use the frames in a MediaPipe graph, we will not add code to view the camera output directly in this tutorial. Instead, we skip ahead to how we can send camera frames for processing to a MediaPipe graph and display the output of the graph on the screen.
A SurfaceTexture
captures image frames from a stream as an OpenGL ES
texture. To use a MediaPipe graph, frames captured from the camera should be
stored in a regular Open GL texture object. MediaPipe provides a class,
to convert the image stored in a SurfaceTexture
object to a regular OpenGL texture object.
To use ExternalTextureConverter
, we also need an EGLContext
, which is
created and managed by an EglManager
object. Add a dependency to the BUILD
file to use EglManager
, "//mediapipe/java/com/google/mediapipe/glutil"
In MainActivity
, add the following declarations:
private EglManager eglManager;
private ExternalTextureConverter converter;
In the onCreate(Bundle)
function, add a statement to initialize the
object before requesting camera permissions:
eglManager = new EglManager(null);
Recall that we defined the onResume()
function in MainActivity
to confirm
camera permissions have been granted and call startCamera()
. Before this
check, add the following line in onResume()
to initialize the converter
converter = new ExternalTextureConverter(eglManager.getContext());
This converter
now uses the GLContext
managed by eglManager
We also need to override the onPause()
function in the MainActivity
so that
if the application goes into a paused state, we close the converter
protected void onPause() {
To pipe the output of previewFrameTexture
to the converter
, add the
following block of code to setupPreviewDisplayView()
new SurfaceHolder.Callback() {
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {}
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {
// (Re-)Compute the ideal size of the camera-preview display (the area that the
// camera-preview frames get rendered onto, potentially with scaling and rotation)
// based on the size of the SurfaceView that contains the display.
Size viewSize = new Size(width, height);
Size displaySize = cameraHelper.computeDisplaySizeFromViewSize(viewSize);
// Connect the converter to the camera-preview frames as its input (via
// previewFrameTexture), and configure the output width and height as the computed
// display size.
previewFrameTexture, displaySize.getWidth(), displaySize.getHeight());
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {}
In this code block, we add a custom SurfaceHolder.Callback
and implement the surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height)
function to compute an appropriate display size
of the camera frames on the device screen and to tie the previewFrameTexture
object and send frames of the computed displaySize
to the converter
We are now ready to use camera frames in a MediaPipe graph.
Using a MediaPipe graph in Android
Add relevant dependencies
To use a MediaPipe graph, we need to add dependencies to the MediaPipe framework
on Android. We will first add a build rule to build a cc_binary
using JNI code
of the MediaPipe framework and then build a cc_library
rule to use this binary
in our application. Add the following code block to your BUILD
name = "libmediapipe_jni.so",
linkshared = 1,
linkstatic = 1,
deps = [
name = "mediapipe_jni_lib",
srcs = [":libmediapipe_jni.so"],
alwayslink = 1,
Add the dependency ":mediapipe_jni_lib"
to the mediapipe_lib
build rule in
Next, we need to add dependencies specific to the MediaPipe graph we want to use in the application.
First, add dependencies to all calculator code in the libmediapipe_jni.so
build rule:
MediaPipe graphs are .pbtxt
files, but to use them in the application, we need
to use the mediapipe_binary_graph
build rule to generate a .binarypb
In the helloworld
android binary build rule, add the mediapipe_binary_graph
target specific to the graph as an asset:
assets = [
assets_dir = "",
In the assets
build rule, you can also add other assets such as TensorFlowLite
models used in your graph.
In addition, add additional manifest_values
for properties specific to the
graph, to be later retrieved in MainActivity
manifest_values = {
"applicationId": "com.google.mediapipe.apps.basic",
"appName": "Hello World",
"mainActivity": ".MainActivity",
"cameraFacingFront": "False",
"binaryGraphName": "mobile_gpu.binarypb",
"inputVideoStreamName": "input_video",
"outputVideoStreamName": "output_video",
Note that binaryGraphName
indicates the filename of the binary graph,
determined by the output_name
field in the mediapipe_binary_graph
and outputVideoStreamName
are the input and output
video stream name specified in the graph respectively.
Now, the MainActivity
needs to load the MediaPipe framework. Also, the
framework uses OpenCV, so MainActvity
should also load OpenCV
. Use the
following code in MainActivity
(inside the class, but not inside any function)
to load both dependencies:
static {
// Load all native libraries needed by the app.
Use the graph in MainActivity
First, we need to load the asset which contains the .binarypb
compiled from
the .pbtxt
file of the graph. To do this, we can use a MediaPipe utility,
Initialize the asset manager in onCreate(Bundle)
before initializing
// Initialize asset manager so that MediaPipe native libraries can access the app assets, e.g.,
// binary graphs.
Now, we need to setup a FrameProcessor
object that sends camera frames
prepared by the converter
to the MediaPipe graph and runs the graph, prepares
the output and then updates the previewDisplayView
to display the output. Add
the following code to declare the FrameProcessor
private FrameProcessor processor;
and initialize it in onCreate(Bundle)
after initializing eglManager
processor =
new FrameProcessor(
The processor
needs to consume the converted frames from the converter
processing. Add the following line to onResume()
after initializing the
The processor
should send its output to previewDisplayView
To do this, add
the following function definitions to our custom SurfaceHolder.Callback
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
When the SurfaceHolder
is created, we had the Surface
to the
of the processor
. When it is destroyed, we remove it from
the VideoSurfaceOutput
of the processor
And that's it! You should now be able to successfully build and run the application on the device and see Sobel edge detection running on a live camera feed! Congrats!
If you ran into any issues, please see the full code of the tutorial here.