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forward Packets Framework Concepts 3


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Attention: Thanks for your interest in MediaPipe! We have moved to as the primary developer documentation site for MediaPipe as of April 3, 2023.

Calculators communicate by sending and receiving packets. Typically a single packet is sent along each input stream at each input timestamp. A packet can contain any kind of data, such as a single frame of video or a single integer detection count.

Creating a packet

Packets are generally created with mediapipe::MakePacket<T>() or mediapipe::Adopt() (from packet.h).

// Create a packet containing some new data.
Packet p = MakePacket<MyDataClass>("constructor_argument");
// Make a new packet with the same data and a different timestamp.
Packet p2 = p.At(Timestamp::PostStream());


// Create some new data.
auto data = absl::make_unique<MyDataClass>("constructor_argument");
// Create a packet to own the data.
Packet p = Adopt(data.release()).At(Timestamp::PostStream());

Data within a packet is accessed with Packet::Get<T>()