872 lines
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872 lines
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# Copyright 2023 The MediaPipe Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Bazel build rules for Halide."""
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:collections.bzl", "collections")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_utils.bzl", "use_cpp_toolchain")
def halide_language_copts():
_common_opts = [
_posix_opts = [
_msvc_opts = [
return _common_opts + select({
"//conditions:default": _posix_opts,
"@mediapipe//mediapipe:windows": _msvc_opts,
def halide_language_linkopts():
_linux_opts = [
_osx_opts = [
_msvc_opts = []
return select({
"//conditions:default": _linux_opts,
"@mediapipe//mediapipe:macos": _osx_opts,
"@mediapipe//mediapipe:windows": _msvc_opts,
def halide_runtime_linkopts():
""" Return the linkopts needed when linking against halide_library_runtime.
List to be used for linkopts.
_posix_opts = [
_android_opts = [
_msvc_opts = []
return select({
"//conditions:default": _posix_opts,
"@mediapipe//mediapipe:android": _android_opts,
"@mediapipe//mediapipe:windows": _msvc_opts,
# Map of halide-target-base -> config_settings
# Android
"arm-32-android": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:android_arm"],
"arm-64-android": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:android_arm64"],
"x86-32-android": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:android_x86"],
"x86-64-android": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:android_x86_64"],
# iOS
"arm-32-ios": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:ios_armv7"],
"arm-64-ios": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:ios_arm64", "@mediapipe//mediapipe:ios_arm64e"],
# OSX (or iOS simulator)
"x86-32-osx": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:ios_i386"],
"x86-64-osx": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:macos_x86_64", "@mediapipe//mediapipe:ios_x86_64"],
"arm-64-osx": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:macos_arm64"],
# Windows
"x86-64-windows": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:windows"],
# Linux
"x86-64-linux": ["@mediapipe//mediapipe:linux"],
# Deliberately no //condition:default clause here.
"x86-64-linux": [
"x86-64-osx": [
"x86-64-windows": [
def halide_library_default_target_map():
# Alphabetizes the features part of the target to make sure they always match no
# matter the concatenation order of the target string pieces.
def _canonicalize_target(halide_target):
if halide_target == "host":
return halide_target
if "," in halide_target:
fail("Multitarget may not be specified here")
tokens = halide_target.split("-")
if len(tokens) < 3:
fail("Illegal target: %s" % halide_target)
# rejoin the tokens with the features sorted
return "-".join(tokens[0:3] + sorted(tokens[3:]))
# Converts comma and dash separators to underscore and alphabetizes
# the features part of the target to make sure they always match no
# matter the concatenation order of the target string pieces.
def _halide_target_to_bazel_rule_name(multitarget):
subtargets = multitarget.split(",")
subtargets = [_canonicalize_target(st).replace("-", "_") for st in subtargets]
return "_".join(subtargets)
# The second argument is True if there is a separate file generated
# for each subtarget of a multitarget output, False if not. The third
# argument is True if the output is a directory (vs. a single file).
# The fourth argument is a list of output group(s) that the files should
# be added to.
_is_multi = True
_is_single = False
_is_file = False
_output_extensions = {
"assembly": ("s", _is_multi, _is_file, []),
"bitcode": ("bc", _is_multi, _is_file, ["generated_bitcode"]),
"c_header": ("h", _is_single, _is_file, ["generated_headers"]),
"c_source": ("halide_generated.cpp", _is_multi, _is_file, []),
"compiler_log": ("halide_compiler_log", _is_single, _is_file, ["generated_object", "generated_compiler_log"]),
"cpp_stub": ("stub.h", _is_single, _is_file, []),
"featurization": ("featurization", _is_multi, _is_file, []),
"llvm_assembly": ("ll", _is_multi, _is_file, []),
"object": ("o", _is_single, _is_file, ["generated_object"]),
"python_extension": ("py.cpp", _is_single, _is_file, []),
"registration": ("registration.cpp", _is_single, _is_file, ["generated_registration"]),
"schedule": ("schedule.h", _is_single, _is_file, []),
"static_library": ("a", _is_single, _is_file, ["generated_object"]),
"stmt": ("stmt", _is_multi, _is_file, []),
"stmt_html": ("stmt.html", _is_multi, _is_file, []),
def _add_output_file(f, fmt, output_files, output_dict, verbose_extra_outputs, verbose_output_paths):
if fmt in verbose_extra_outputs:
if fmt in _output_extensions:
for group in _output_extensions[fmt][3]:
output_dict.setdefault(group, []).append(f)
HalideFunctionNameInfo = provider(fields = ["function_name"])
HalideGeneratorBinaryInfo = provider(fields = ["generator_binary"])
HalideGeneratorNameInfo = provider(fields = ["generator_name_"])
HalideGeneratorParamsInfo = provider(fields = ["generator_params"])
HalideLibraryNameInfo = provider(fields = ["library_name"])
HalideTargetFeaturesInfo = provider(fields = ["target_features"])
def _gengen_closure_impl(ctx):
return [
HalideGeneratorBinaryInfo(generator_binary = ctx.attr.generator_binary),
HalideGeneratorNameInfo(generator_name_ = ctx.attr.generator_name_),
_gengen_closure = rule(
implementation = _gengen_closure_impl,
attrs = {
"generator_binary": attr.label(
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
mandatory = True,
cfg = "exec",
# "generator_name" is apparently reserved by Bazel for attrs in rules
"generator_name_": attr.string(mandatory = True),
provides = [HalideGeneratorBinaryInfo, HalideGeneratorNameInfo],
def _halide_library_instance_impl(ctx):
generator_binary = ctx.attr.generator_closure[HalideGeneratorBinaryInfo].generator_binary if ctx.attr.generator_closure else ""
generator_name = ctx.attr.generator_closure[HalideGeneratorNameInfo].generator_name_ if ctx.attr.generator_closure else ""
return [
HalideFunctionNameInfo(function_name = ctx.attr.function_name),
HalideGeneratorBinaryInfo(generator_binary = generator_binary),
HalideGeneratorNameInfo(generator_name_ = generator_name),
HalideGeneratorParamsInfo(generator_params = ctx.attr.generator_params),
HalideLibraryNameInfo(library_name = ctx.attr.library_name),
HalideTargetFeaturesInfo(target_features = ctx.attr.target_features),
_halide_library_instance = rule(
implementation = _halide_library_instance_impl,
attrs = {
"function_name": attr.string(),
"generator_closure": attr.label(
cfg = "exec",
providers = [HalideGeneratorBinaryInfo, HalideGeneratorNameInfo],
"generator_params": attr.string_list(),
"library_name": attr.string(),
"target_features": attr.string_list(),
provides = [
def _gengen_impl(ctx):
if _has_dupes(ctx.attr.requested_outputs):
fail("Duplicate values in outputs: " + str(ctx.attr.requested_outputs))
function_name = ctx.attr.function_name[HalideFunctionNameInfo].function_name if ctx.attr.function_name else ""
generator_binary = ctx.attr.generator_binary[HalideGeneratorBinaryInfo].generator_binary if ctx.attr.generator_binary else ""
generator_name_ = ctx.attr.generator_name_[HalideGeneratorNameInfo].generator_name_ if ctx.attr.generator_name_ else ""
generator_params = ctx.attr.generator_params[HalideGeneratorParamsInfo].generator_params if ctx.attr.generator_params else []
library_name = ctx.attr.library_name[HalideLibraryNameInfo].library_name if ctx.attr.library_name else ""
target_features = ctx.attr.target_features[HalideTargetFeaturesInfo].target_features if ctx.attr.target_features else []
for gp in generator_params:
if " " in gp:
fail("%s: Entries in generator_params must not contain spaces." % library_name)
# Escape backslashes and double quotes.
generator_params = [gp.replace("\\", '\\\\"').replace('"', '\\"') for gp in generator_params]
execution_requirements = {}
# --- Calculate the output type(s) we're going to produce (and which ones should be verbose)
quiet_extra_outputs = []
verbose_extra_outputs = []
if ctx.attr.consider_halide_extra_outputs:
if "halide_extra_outputs" in ctx.var:
verbose_extra_outputs = ctx.var.get("halide_extra_outputs", "").split(",")
if "halide_extra_outputs_quiet" in ctx.var:
quiet_extra_outputs = ctx.var.get("halide_extra_outputs_quiet", "").split(",")
requested_outputs = sorted(collections.uniq(ctx.attr.requested_outputs +
verbose_extra_outputs +
# --- Assemble halide_target, adding extra features if necessary
base_target = ctx.attr.halide_base_target
if "," in base_target:
fail("halide_base_target should never be a multitarget")
if len(base_target.split("-")) != 3:
fail("halide_base_target should have exactly 3 components")
target_features = target_features + ctx.var.get("halide_target_features", "").split(",")
if "no_runtime" in target_features:
fail("Specifying 'no_runtime' in halide_target_features is not supported; " +
"please add 'add_halide_runtime_deps = False' to the halide_library() rule instead.")
for san in ["asan", "msan", "tsan"]:
if san in target_features:
fail("halide_library doesn't support '%s' in halide_target_features; please build with --config=%s instead." % (san, san))
# Append the features common to everything.
# Make it all neat and tidy.
target_features = sorted(collections.uniq(target_features))
# Get the multitarget list (if any) from halide_target_map
halide_targets = ctx.attr.halide_target_map.get(base_target, [base_target])
# Add the extra features to all of them
halide_targets = _add_features_to_all(halide_targets, target_features)
leaf_name = ctx.attr.filename.split("/")[-1]
output_files = []
output_dict = {}
verbose_output_paths = []
inputs = []
env = {
"HL_DEBUG_CODEGEN": str(ctx.var.get("halide_debug_codegen", 0)),
# --define halide_llvm_args=-time-passes is a typical usage
"HL_LLVM_ARGS": str(ctx.var.get("halide_llvm_args", "")),
be_very_quiet = ctx.var.get("halide_experimental_quiet", False) # I'm hunting wabbit...
# --- Calculate the final set of output files
for fmt in requested_outputs:
if fmt not in _output_extensions:
fail("Unknown Halide output '%s'; known outputs are %s" %
(fmt, sorted(_output_extensions.keys())))
ext, is_multiple, is_dir, _ = _output_extensions[fmt]
# Special-case Windows file extensions
if "windows" in halide_targets[-1]:
if ext == "o":
ext = "obj"
if ext == "a":
ext = "lib"
if is_multiple and len(halide_targets) > 1:
for h in halide_targets:
suffix = _canonicalize_target(h)
name = "%s-%s.%s" % (ctx.attr.filename, suffix, ext)
f = ctx.actions.declare_directory(name) if is_dir else ctx.actions.declare_file(name)
_add_output_file(f, fmt, output_files, output_dict, verbose_extra_outputs, verbose_output_paths)
name = "%s.%s" % (ctx.attr.filename, ext)
f = ctx.actions.declare_directory(name) if is_dir else ctx.actions.declare_file(name)
_add_output_file(f, fmt, output_files, output_dict, verbose_extra_outputs, verbose_output_paths)
# --- Progress message(s), including log info about any 'extra' files being output due to --define halide_extra_output
progress_message = "Executing generator %s with target (%s) args (%s)." % (
" ".join(generator_params),
for f in output_files:
if any([f.path.endswith(suf) for suf in [".h", ".a", ".o", ".lib", ".registration.cpp", ".bc", ".halide_compiler_log"]]):
# If an extra output was specified via --define halide_extra_outputs=foo on the command line,
# add to the progress message (so that it is ephemeral and doesn't clog stdout).
# (Trailing space is intentional since Starlark will append a period to the end,
# making copy-n-paste harder than it might otherwise be...)
if not be_very_quiet:
extra_msg = "Emitting extra Halide output: %s " % f.path
progress_message += "\n" + extra_msg
if f.path in verbose_output_paths:
# buildifier: disable=print
# --- Construct the arguments list for the Generator
arguments = ctx.actions.args()
arguments.add("-o", output_files[0].dirname)
if ctx.attr.generate_runtime:
arguments.add("-r", leaf_name)
if len(halide_targets) > 1:
fail("Only one halide_target allowed when using generate_runtime")
if function_name:
fail("halide_function_name not allowed when using generate_runtime")
arguments.add("-g", generator_name_)
arguments.add("-n", leaf_name)
if function_name:
arguments.add("-f", function_name)
if requested_outputs:
arguments.add_joined("-e", requested_outputs, join_with = ",")
# Can't use add_joined(), as it will insert a space after target=
arguments.add("target=%s" % (",".join(halide_targets)))
if generator_params:
for p in generator_params:
for s in ["target"]:
if p.startswith("%s=" % s):
fail("You cannot specify %s in the generator_params parameter in bazel." % s)
show_gen_arg = ctx.var.get("halide_show_generator_command", "")
# If it's an exact match of a fully qualified path, show just that one.
# If it's * or "all", match everything.
if library_name and show_gen_arg in [library_name, "all", "*"] and not ctx.attr.generate_runtime:
# The 'Args' object can be printed, but can't be usefully converted to a string, or iterated,
# so we'll reproduce the logic here. We'll also take the opportunity to add or augment
# some args to be more useful to whoever runs it (eg, add `-v=1`, add some output files).
sg_args = ["-v", "1"]
sg_args += ["-o", "/tmp"]
sg_args += ["-g", generator_name_]
sg_args += ["-n", leaf_name]
if function_name:
sg_args += ["-f", function_name]
if requested_outputs:
# Ensure that several commonly-useful output are added
ro = sorted(collections.uniq(requested_outputs + ["stmt", "assembly", "llvm_assembly"]))
sg_args += ["-e", ",".join(ro)]
sg_args.append("target=%s" % (",".join(halide_targets)))
if generator_params:
sg_args += generator_params
# buildifier: disable=print
"\n\nTo locally run the Generator for",
"use the command:\n\n",
"bazel run -c opt",
" ".join(sg_args),
# Finally... run the Generator.
execution_requirements = execution_requirements,
arguments = [arguments],
env = env,
executable = generator_binary.files_to_run.executable,
mnemonic = "ExecuteHalideGenerator",
inputs = depset(direct = inputs),
outputs = output_files,
progress_message = progress_message,
exec_group = "generator",
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset(direct = output_files)),
_gengen = rule(
implementation = _gengen_impl,
attrs = {
"consider_halide_extra_outputs": attr.bool(),
"filename": attr.string(),
"generate_runtime": attr.bool(default = False),
"generator_binary": attr.label(
cfg = "exec",
providers = [HalideGeneratorBinaryInfo],
# "generator_name" is apparently reserved by Bazel for attrs in rules
"generator_name_": attr.label(
cfg = "exec",
providers = [HalideGeneratorNameInfo],
"halide_base_target": attr.string(),
"function_name": attr.label(
cfg = "target",
providers = [
"generator_params": attr.label(
cfg = "target",
providers = [
"library_name": attr.label(
cfg = "target",
providers = [
"target_features": attr.label(
cfg = "target",
providers = [
"halide_target_map": attr.string_list_dict(),
"requested_outputs": attr.string_list(),
"_cc_toolchain": attr.label(default = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain"),
fragments = ["cpp"],
output_to_genfiles = True,
toolchains = use_cpp_toolchain(),
exec_groups = {
"generator": exec_group(),
def _add_target_features(target, features):
if "," in target:
fail("Cannot use multitarget here")
new_target = target.split("-")
for f in features:
if f and f not in new_target:
return "-".join(new_target)
def _add_features_to_all(halide_targets, features):
return [_canonicalize_target(_add_target_features(t, features)) for t in halide_targets]
def _has_dupes(some_list):
clean = collections.uniq(some_list)
return sorted(some_list) != sorted(clean)
# Target features which do not affect runtime compatibility.
_IRRELEVANT_FEATURES = collections.uniq([
def _discard_irrelevant_features(halide_target_features = []):
return sorted(collections.uniq([f for f in halide_target_features if f not in _IRRELEVANT_FEATURES]))
def _halide_library_runtime_target_name(halide_target_features = []):
return "_".join(["halide_library_runtime"] + _discard_irrelevant_features(halide_target_features))
def _define_halide_library_runtime(
halide_target_features = [],
compatible_with = []):
target_name = _halide_library_runtime_target_name(halide_target_features)
if not native.existing_rule("halide_library_runtime.generator"):
name = "halide_library_runtime.generator",
srcs = [],
deps = [],
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
condition_deps = {}
for base_target, cfgs in _HALIDE_TARGET_CONFIG_SETTINGS_MAP.items():
target_features = _discard_irrelevant_features(halide_target_features)
halide_target_name = _halide_target_to_bazel_rule_name(base_target)
gengen_name = "%s_%s" % (halide_target_name, target_name)
name = "%s.library_instance" % gengen_name,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
function_name = "",
generator_closure = ":halide_library_runtime.generator_closure",
generator_params = [],
library_name = "",
target_features = target_features,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
hl_instance = ":%s.library_instance" % gengen_name
name = gengen_name,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
filename = "%s/%s" % (halide_target_name, target_name),
generate_runtime = True,
generator_binary = hl_instance,
generator_name_ = hl_instance,
halide_base_target = base_target,
requested_outputs = ["object"],
tags = ["manual"],
target_features = hl_instance,
visibility = ["@halide//:__subpackages__"],
for cfg in cfgs:
condition_deps[cfg] = [":%s" % gengen_name]
deps = []
name = target_name,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
srcs = select(condition_deps),
linkopts = halide_runtime_linkopts(),
tags = ["manual"],
deps = deps,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
return target_name
def _standard_library_runtime_features():
_standard_features = [
["openglcompute", "egl"],
return [f for f in _standard_features] + [f + ["debug"] for f in _standard_features]
def _standard_library_runtime_names():
return collections.uniq([_halide_library_runtime_target_name(f) for f in _standard_library_runtime_features()])
def halide_library_runtimes(compatible_with = []):
unused = [
_define_halide_library_runtime(f, compatible_with = compatible_with)
for f in _standard_library_runtime_features()
unused = unused # unused variable
def halide_generator(
compatible_with = [],
copts = [],
deps = [],
generator_name = "",
includes = [],
tags = [],
testonly = False,
visibility = None):
if not name.endswith(".generator"):
fail("halide_generator rules must end in .generator")
basename = name[:-10] # strip ".generator" suffix
if not generator_name:
generator_name = basename
# Note: This target is public, but should not be needed by the vast
# majority of users. Unless you are writing a custom Bazel rule that
# involves Halide generation, you most probably won't need to depend on
# this rule.
name = name,
copts = copts + halide_language_copts(),
linkopts = halide_language_linkopts(),
compatible_with = compatible_with,
srcs = srcs,
deps = [
] + deps,
tags = ["manual"] + tags,
testonly = testonly,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "%s_closure" % name,
generator_binary = name,
generator_name_ = generator_name,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
testonly = testonly,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
# This rule exists to allow us to select() on halide_target_features.
def _select_halide_library_runtime_impl(ctx):
f = ctx.attr.halide_target_features
standard_runtimes = {t.label.name: t for t in ctx.attr._standard_runtimes}
f = sorted(_discard_irrelevant_features(collections.uniq(f)))
runtime_name = _halide_library_runtime_target_name(f)
if runtime_name not in standard_runtimes:
fail(("There is no Halide runtime available for the feature set combination %s. " +
"Please use contact information from halide-lang.org to contact the Halide " +
"team to add the right combination.") % str(f))
return standard_runtimes[runtime_name][CcInfo]
_select_halide_library_runtime = rule(
implementation = _select_halide_library_runtime_impl,
attrs = {
"halide_target_features": attr.string_list(),
"_standard_runtimes": attr.label_list(
default = ["@halide//:%s" % n for n in _standard_library_runtime_names()],
providers = [CcInfo],
provides = [CcInfo],
def halide_library_from_generator(
add_halide_runtime_deps = True,
compatible_with = [],
deps = [],
function_name = None,
generator_params = [],
halide_target_features = [],
halide_target_map = halide_library_default_target_map(),
includes = [],
namespace = None,
tags = [],
testonly = False,
visibility = None):
if not function_name:
function_name = name
if namespace:
function_name = "%s::%s" % (namespace, function_name)
generator_closure = "%s_closure" % generator
name = "%s.library_instance" % name,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
function_name = function_name,
generator_closure = generator_closure,
generator_params = generator_params,
library_name = "//%s:%s" % (native.package_name(), name),
target_features = halide_target_features,
testonly = testonly,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
hl_instance = ":%s.library_instance" % name
condition_deps = {}
for base_target, cfgs in _HALIDE_TARGET_CONFIG_SETTINGS_MAP.items():
base_target_name = _halide_target_to_bazel_rule_name(base_target)
gengen_name = "%s_%s" % (base_target_name, name)
name = gengen_name,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
consider_halide_extra_outputs = True,
filename = "%s/%s" % (base_target_name, name),
function_name = hl_instance,
generator_binary = generator_closure,
generator_name_ = generator_closure,
generator_params = hl_instance,
halide_base_target = base_target,
halide_target_map = halide_target_map,
library_name = hl_instance,
requested_outputs = ["static_library"],
tags = ["manual"] + tags,
target_features = hl_instance,
testonly = testonly,
for cfg in cfgs:
condition_deps[cfg] = [":%s" % gengen_name]
# Use a canonical target to build CC, regardless of config detected
cc_base_target = "x86-64-linux"
for output, target_name in [
("c_header", "%s_h" % name),
("c_source", "%s_cc" % name),
name = target_name,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
filename = name,
function_name = hl_instance,
generator_binary = generator_closure,
generator_name_ = generator_closure,
generator_params = hl_instance,
halide_base_target = cc_base_target,
library_name = hl_instance,
requested_outputs = [output],
tags = ["manual"] + tags,
target_features = hl_instance,
testonly = testonly,
name = "%s.halide_library_runtime_deps" % name,
halide_target_features = halide_target_features,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
tags = tags,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
name = "%s_object" % name,
srcs = select(condition_deps),
output_group = "generated_object",
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
compatible_with = compatible_with,
tags = tags,
testonly = testonly,
name = name,
srcs = ["%s_object" % name],
hdrs = [
":%s_h" % name,
deps = deps +
["@halide//:runtime"] + # for HalideRuntime.h, etc
([":%s.halide_library_runtime_deps" % name] if add_halide_runtime_deps else []), # for the runtime implementation
compatible_with = compatible_with,
includes = includes,
tags = tags,
testonly = testonly,
visibility = visibility,
linkstatic = 1,
# Return the fully-qualified built target name.
return "//%s:%s" % (native.package_name(), name)
def halide_library(
srcs = [],
add_halide_runtime_deps = True,
copts = [],
compatible_with = [],
filter_deps = [],
function_name = None,
generator_params = [],
generator_deps = [],
generator_name = None,
halide_target_features = [],
halide_target_map = halide_library_default_target_map(),
includes = [],
namespace = None,
tags = [],
testonly = False,
visibility = None):
if not srcs and not generator_deps:
fail("halide_library needs at least one of srcs or generator_deps to provide a generator")
name = "%s.generator" % name,
srcs = srcs,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
generator_name = generator_name,
deps = generator_deps,
includes = includes,
copts = copts,
tags = tags,
testonly = testonly,
visibility = visibility,
return halide_library_from_generator(
name = name,
generator = ":%s.generator" % name,
add_halide_runtime_deps = add_halide_runtime_deps,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
deps = filter_deps,
function_name = function_name,
generator_params = generator_params,
halide_target_features = halide_target_features,
halide_target_map = halide_target_map,
includes = includes,
namespace = namespace,
tags = tags,
testonly = testonly,
visibility = visibility,