2023-03-03 12:33:17 +05:30

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// Copyright 2022 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator.pb.h"
#include "mediapipe/tasks/cc/core/task_runner.h"
#include <optional>
* This class is used to create and call appropriate methods on the C++ Task Runner to initialize,
* execute and terminate any MediaPipe task.
* An instance of the newly created C++ task runner will be stored until this class is destroyed.
* When methods are called for processing (performing inference), closing etc., on this class,
* internally the appropriate methods will be called on the C++ task runner instance to execute the
* appropriate actions. For each type of task, a subclass of this class must be defined to add any
* additional functionality. For eg:, vision tasks must create an `MPPVisionTaskRunner` and provide
* additional functionality. An instance of `MPPVisionTaskRunner` can in turn be used by the each
* vision task for creation and execution of the task. Please see the documentation for the C++ Task
* Runner for more details on how the taks runner operates.
@interface MPPTaskRunner : NSObject
* Initializes a new `MPPTaskRunner` with the MediaPipe calculator configuration proto and an
* optional C++ packets callback.
* You can pass `nullptr` for `packetsCallback` in case the mode of operation requested by the user
* is synchronous.
* If the task is operating in asynchronous mode, any iOS MediaPipe task that uses the
* `MPPTaskRunner` must define a C++ callback function to obtain the results of inference
* asynchronously and deliver the results to the user. To accomplish this, the callback function
* should in turn invoke the block provided by the user in the task options supplied to create the
* task. Please see the documentation of the C++ Task Runner for more information on the synchronous
* and asynchronous modes of operation.
* @param graphConfig A mediapipe task graph config proto.
* @param packetsCallback An optional C++ callback function that takes a list of output packets as
* the input argument. If provided, the callback must in turn call the block provided by the user in
* the appropriate task options.
* @return An instance of `MPPTaskRunner` initialized to the given graph config proto and optional
* packetsCallback.
- (instancetype)initWithCalculatorGraphConfig:(mediapipe::CalculatorGraphConfig)graphConfig
* A synchronous method for invoking the C++ task runner for processing batch data or offline
* streaming data. This method is designed for processing either batch data such as unrelated images
* and texts or offline streaming data such as the decoded frames from a video file or audio file.
* The call blocks the current thread until a failure status or a successful result is returned. If
* the input packets have no timestamp, an internal timestamp will be assigend per invocation.
* Otherwise, when the timestamp is set in the input packets, the caller must ensure that the input
* packet timestamps are greater than the timestamps of the previous invocation. This method is
* thread-unsafe and it is the caller's responsibility to synchronize access to this method across
* multiple threads and to ensure that the input packet timestamps are in order.
* @param packetMap A `PacketMap` containing pairs of input stream name and data packet which are to
* be sent to the C++ task runner for processing synchronously.
* @param error Pointer to the memory location where errors if any should be saved. If @c NULL, no
* error will be saved.
* @return An optional output `PacketMap` containing pairs of output stream name and data packet
* which holds the results of processing the input packet map, if there are no errors.
- (std::optional<mediapipe::tasks::core::PacketMap>)
processPacketMap:(const mediapipe::tasks::core::PacketMap &)packetMap
error:(NSError **)error;
* An asynchronous method that is designed for handling live streaming data such as live camera. A
* user-defined PacketsCallback function must be provided in the constructor to receive the output
* packets. The caller must ensure that the input packet timestamps are monotonically increasing.
* This method is thread-unsafe and it is the caller's responsibility to synchronize access to this
* method across multiple threads and to ensure that the input packet timestamps are in order.
* @param packetMap A `PacketMap` containing pairs of input stream name and data packet that are to
* be sent to the C++ task runner for processing asynchronously.
* @param error Pointer to the memory location where errors if any should be saved. If @c NULL, no
* error will be saved.
* @return A `BOOL` indicating if the live stream data was sent to the C++ task runner successfully.
* Please note that any errors during processing of the live stream packet map will only be
* available in the user-defined `packetsCallback` that was provided during initialization of the
* `MPPVisionTaskRunner`.
- (BOOL)sendPacketMap:(const mediapipe::tasks::core::PacketMap &)packetMap error:(NSError **)error;
* Shuts down the C++ task runner. After the runner is closed, any calls that send input data to the
* runner are illegal and will receive errors.
* @param error Pointer to the memory location where errors if any should be saved. If @c NULL, no
* error will be saved.
* @return A `BOOL` indicating if the C++ task runner was shutdown successfully.
- (BOOL)closeWithError:(NSError **)error;
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;