.. | ||
graphs | ||
images | ||
models | ||
BUILD | ||
demo_run_graph_main.cc | ||
Dockerfile | ||
README.md | ||
setup.sh | ||
update_sources.sh | ||
Coral Dev Board Setup (experimental)
Disclaimer: Running MediaPipe on Coral is experimental, and this process may not be exact and is subject to change. These instructions have only been tested on the Coral Dev Board running Mendel Enterprise Day 13 OS and using Diploria2 edgetpu libs, and may vary for different devices and workstations.
This file describes how to prepare a Coral Dev Board and setup a Linux Docker container for building MediaPipe applications that run on Edge TPU.
Before creating the Docker
(on host machine) run setup.sh from MediaPipe root directory
sh mediapipe/examples/coral/setup.sh
Setup the coral device via here, and ensure the mdt command works
Note: alias mdt="python3 -m mdt.main" may be needed on some systems
(on coral device) prepare MediaPipe
cd ~ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y git git clone https://github.com/google/mediapipe.git mkdir mediapipe/bazel-bin
(on coral device) install opencv 3.2
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libopencv-dev
(on coral device) find all opencv libs
find /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ -name 'libopencv*so'
(on host machine) copy core opencv libs from coral device to a local folder inside MediaPipe checkout:
# in root level mediapipe folder # mdt pull /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_core.so opencv32_arm64_libs mdt pull /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_calib3d.so opencv32_arm64_libs mdt pull /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_features2d.so opencv32_arm64_libs mdt pull /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_highgui.so opencv32_arm64_libs mdt pull /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_imgcodecs.so opencv32_arm64_libs mdt pull /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_imgproc.so opencv32_arm64_libs mdt pull /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_video.so opencv32_arm64_libs mdt pull /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_videoio.so opencv32_arm64_libs
(on host machine) Create and start the docker environment
# from mediapipe root level directory # docker build -t coral . docker run -it --name coral coral:latest
Inside the Docker environment
Update library paths in /mediapipe/third_party/opencv_linux.BUILD
(replace 'x86_64-linux-gnu' with 'aarch64-linux-gnu')
"lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_core.so", "lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_calib3d.so", "lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_features2d.so", "lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_highgui.so", "lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_imgcodecs.so", "lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_imgproc.so", "lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_video.so", "lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libopencv_videoio.so",
Attempt to build hello world (to download external deps)
bazel build -c opt --define MEDIAPIPE_DISABLE_GPU=1 mediapipe/examples/desktop/hello_world:hello_world
Edit /edgetpu/libedgetpu/BUILD
to add this build target
cc_library( name = "lib", srcs = [ "libedgetpu.so", ], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], )
Edit /edgetpu/WORKSPACE
update /mediapipe/WORKSPACE TENSORFLOW_* variables to match what /edgetpu/WORKSPACE has:
grep TENSORFLOW_ /mediapipe/WORKSPACE grep TENSORFLOW_ /edgetpu/WORKSPACE # Make sure the /mediapipe/WORKSPACE _TENSORFLOW_GIT_COMMIT and _TENSORFLOW_SHA256 # match the /edgetpu/WORKSPACE TENSORFLOW_COMMIT and TENSORFLOW_SHA256 respectively. # If they do not match, modify /mediapipe/WORKSPACE to match what /edgetpu/WORKSPACE has. # Also comment out the MediaPipe org_tensorflow patch section.
Edit /mediapipe/mediapipe/calculators/tflite/BUILD to change rules for tflite_inference_calculator.cc
sed -i 's/\":tflite_inference_calculator_cc_proto\",/\":tflite_inference_calculator_cc_proto\",\n\t\"@edgetpu\/\/:header\",\n\t\"@libedgetpu\/\/:lib\",/g' /mediapipe/mediapipe/calculators/tflite/BUILD The above command should add "@edgetpu//:header", "@libedgetpu//:lib", to the _deps_ of tflite_inference_calculator.cc Now also remove XNNPACK deps: sed -i 's/\"@org_tensorflow\/\/tensorflow\/lite\/delegates\/xnnpack/#\"@org_tensorflow\/\/tensorflow\/lite\/delegates\/xnnpack/g' /mediapipe/mediapipe/calculators/tflite/BUILD
Now try cross-compiling for device
- Object detection demo
bazel build -c opt --crosstool_top=@crosstool//:toolchains --compiler=gcc --cpu=aarch64 --define MEDIAPIPE_DISABLE_GPU=1 --copt -DMEDIAPIPE_EDGE_TPU --copt=-flax-vector-conversions mediapipe/examples/coral:object_detection_tpu
Copy object_detection_tpu binary to the MediaPipe checkout on the coral device
# outside docker env, open new terminal on host machine #
docker ps
docker cp <container-id>:/mediapipe/bazel-bin/mediapipe/examples/coral/object_detection_tpu /tmp/.
mdt push /tmp/object_detection_tpu /home/mendel/mediapipe/bazel-bin/.
- Face detection demo
bazel build -c opt --crosstool_top=@crosstool//:toolchains --compiler=gcc --cpu=aarch64 --define MEDIAPIPE_DISABLE_GPU=1 --copt -DMEDIAPIPE_EDGE_TPU --copt=-flax-vector-conversions mediapipe/examples/coral:face_detection_tpu
Copy face_detection_tpu binary to the MediaPipe checkout on the coral device
# outside docker env, open new terminal on host machine #
docker ps
docker cp <container-id>:/mediapipe/bazel-bin/mediapipe/examples/coral/face_detection_tpu /tmp/.
mdt push /tmp/face_detection_tpu /home/mendel/mediapipe/bazel-bin/.
On the coral device (with display)
# Object detection
cd ~/mediapipe
chmod +x bazel-bin/object_detection_tpu
export GLOG_logtostderr=1
bazel-bin/object_detection_tpu --calculator_graph_config_file=mediapipe/examples/coral/graphs/object_detection_desktop_live.pbtxt
# Face detection
cd ~/mediapipe
chmod +x bazel-bin/face_detection_tpu
export GLOG_logtostderr=1
bazel-bin/face_detection_tpu --calculator_graph_config_file=mediapipe/examples/coral/graphs/face_detection_desktop_live.pbtxt