# Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # load("@rules_foreign_cc//tools/build_defs:cmake.bzl", "cmake_external") load("@bazel_skylib//:bzl_library.bzl", "bzl_library") licenses(["notice"]) # Apache License 2.0 package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) exports_files(["LICENSE"]) cc_library( name = "glog", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = select({ "//mediapipe:android_x86": [ "@com_github_glog_glog_no_gflags//:glog", ], "//mediapipe:android_x86_64": [ "@com_github_glog_glog_no_gflags//:glog", ], "//mediapipe:android_armeabi": [ "@com_github_glog_glog_no_gflags//:glog", ], "//mediapipe:android_arm": [ "@com_github_glog_glog_no_gflags//:glog", ], "//mediapipe:android_arm64": [ "@com_github_glog_glog_no_gflags//:glog", ], "//mediapipe:ios": [ "@com_github_glog_glog_no_gflags//:glog", ], "//mediapipe:macos": [ "@com_github_glog_glog//:glog", ], "//mediapipe:windows": [ "@com_github_glog_glog//:glog", ], "//conditions:default": [ "@com_github_glog_glog//:glog", ], }), ) config_setting( name = "opencv_source_build", define_values = { "OPENCV": "source", }, visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) config_setting( name = "opencv_ios_arm64_source_build", define_values = { "OPENCV": "source", }, values = { "apple_platform_type": "ios", "cpu": "ios_arm64", }, ) config_setting( name = "opencv_ios_sim_arm64_source_build", define_values = { "OPENCV": "source", }, values = { "apple_platform_type": "ios", "cpu": "ios_sim_arm64", }, ) config_setting( name = "opencv_ios_x86_64_source_build", define_values = { "OPENCV": "source", }, values = { "apple_platform_type": "ios", "cpu": "ios_x86_64", }, ) config_setting( name = "opencv_ios_sim_fat_source_build", define_values = { "OPENCV": "source", }, values = { "apple_platform_type": "ios", "ios_multi_cpus": "sim_arm64,x86_64", }, ) alias( name = "opencv", actual = select({ ":opencv_source_build": ":opencv_cmake", ":opencv_ios_sim_arm64_source_build": "@ios_opencv_source//:opencv", ":opencv_ios_arm64_source_build": "@ios_opencv_source//:opencv", ":opencv_ios_x86_64_source_build": "@ios_opencv_source//:opencv", "//conditions:default": ":opencv_binary", }), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) bzl_library( name = "opencv_ios_xcframework_files_bzl", srcs = ["opencv_ios_xcframework_files.bzl"], visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) bzl_library( name = "opencv_ios_source_bzl", srcs = ["opencv_ios_source.bzl"], visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) # Note: this determines the order in which the libraries are passed to the # linker, so if library A depends on library B, library B must come _after_. # Hence core is at the bottom. OPENCV_MODULES = [ "calib3d", "features2d", "highgui", "video", "videoio", "imgcodecs", "imgproc", "core", ] # Note: passing both BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON and BUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON to cmake # still only builds the shared libraries, so we have to choose one or the # other. We build shared libraries by default, but this variable can be used # to switch to static libraries. OPENCV_SHARED_LIBS = False OPENCV_SO_VERSION = "3.4" cmake_external( name = "opencv_cmake", # Values to be passed as -Dkey=value on the CMake command line; # here are serving to provide some CMake script configuration options cache_entries = { "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Release", # The module list is always sorted alphabetically so that we do not # cause a rebuild when changing the link order. "BUILD_LIST": ",".join(sorted(OPENCV_MODULES)), "BUILD_TESTS": "OFF", "BUILD_PERF_TESTS": "OFF", "BUILD_EXAMPLES": "OFF", "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS": "ON" if OPENCV_SHARED_LIBS else "OFF", # Disable IPP "WITH_IPP": "OFF", "WITH_ITT": "OFF", "WITH_JASPER": "OFF", "WITH_JPEG": "ON", "WITH_PNG": "ON", "WITH_TIFF": "ON", "WITH_OPENCL": "OFF", "WITH_WEBP": "OFF", # Disable carotene_o4t # "ENABLE_NEON": "OFF", # "WITH_TENGINE": "OFF", # Optimization flags "CV_ENABLE_INTRINSICS": "ON", "WITH_EIGEN": "ON", "WITH_PTHREADS": "ON", "WITH_PTHREADS_PF": "ON", # When building tests, by default Bazel builds them in dynamic mode. # See https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/c-cpp.html#cc_binary.linkstatic # For example, when building //mediapipe/calculators/video:opencv_video_encoder_calculator_test, # the dependency //mediapipe/framework/formats:image_frame_opencv will # be built as a shared library, which depends on a cv::Mat constructor, # and expects it to be provided by the main exacutable. The main # executable depends on libimage_frame_opencv.so and links in # libopencv_core.a, which contains cv::Mat. However, if # libopencv_core.a marks its symbols as hidden, then cv::Mat is in # opencv_video_encoder_calculator_test but it is not exported, so # libimage_frame_opencv.so fails to find it. "OPENCV_SKIP_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN": "ON" if not OPENCV_SHARED_LIBS else "OFF", # The COPY actions in modules/python/python_loader.cmake have issues with symlinks. # In any case, we don't use this. "OPENCV_SKIP_PYTHON_LOADER": "ON", # Need to set this too, for the same reason. "BUILD_opencv_python": "OFF", # Ccache causes issues in some of our CI setups. It's not clear that # ccache would be able to work across sandboxed Bazel builds, either. # In any case, Bazel does its own caching of the rule's outputs. "ENABLE_CCACHE": "OFF", }, lib_source = "@opencv//:all", linkopts = [] if OPENCV_SHARED_LIBS else [ # When using static libraries, the binary that eventually depends on the # libraries also needs to link in their dependencies, which therefore # have to be listed here. # This list depends on which dependencies CMake finds when it configures # the build, and so depends on what is installed on the local system. # After building, the linkopts for the current setup can be extracted # from lib/pkgconfig/opencv.pc in bazel-out "-ljpeg", "-lpng", "-lz", "-ltiff", "-lImath", "-lIlmImf", "-lIex", "-lHalf", "-lIlmThread", "-ldc1394", "-lavcodec", "-lavformat", "-lavutil", "-lswscale", "-lavresample", "-ldl", "-lm", "-lpthread", "-lrt", ], shared_libraries = select({ "@bazel_tools//src/conditions:darwin": ["libopencv_%s.%s.dylib" % (module, OPENCV_SO_VERSION) for module in OPENCV_MODULES], # Only the shared objects listed here will be linked in the directory # that Bazel adds to the RUNPATH of dependent executables. You cannot # list both the versioned and unversioned name of the .so, and the # versioned name is the one that the executables actually reference. "//conditions:default": ["libopencv_%s.so.%s" % (module, OPENCV_SO_VERSION) for module in OPENCV_MODULES], }) if OPENCV_SHARED_LIBS else None, static_libraries = [ "libopencv_%s.a" % module for module in OPENCV_MODULES ] if not OPENCV_SHARED_LIBS else None, ) alias( name = "opencv_binary", actual = select({ "//mediapipe:android_x86": "@android_opencv//:libopencv_x86", "//mediapipe:android_x86_64": "@android_opencv//:libopencv_x86_64", "//mediapipe:android_armeabi": "@android_opencv//:libopencv_armeabi-v7a", "//mediapipe:android_arm": "@android_opencv//:libopencv_armeabi-v7a", "//mediapipe:android_arm64": "@android_opencv//:libopencv_arm64-v8a", "//mediapipe:ios": "@ios_opencv//:opencv", "//mediapipe:macos": "@macos_opencv//:opencv", "//mediapipe:windows": "@windows_opencv//:opencv", "//conditions:default": "@linux_opencv//:opencv", }), ) cc_library( name = "libffmpeg", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = select({ "//mediapipe:android_x86": [], "//mediapipe:android_x86_64": [], "//mediapipe:android_armeabi": [], "//mediapipe:android_arm": [], "//mediapipe:android_arm64": [], "//mediapipe:ios": [], "//mediapipe:macos": [ "@macos_ffmpeg//:libffmpeg", ], "//conditions:default": [ "@linux_ffmpeg//:libffmpeg", ], }), ) android_library( name = "androidx_annotation", exports = [ "@maven//:androidx_annotation_annotation", ], ) android_library( name = "androidx_appcompat", exports = [ "@maven//:androidx_appcompat_appcompat", ], ) android_library( name = "androidx_constraint_layout", exports = [ "@maven//:androidx_constraintlayout_constraintlayout", ], ) android_library( name = "androidx_core", exports = [ "@maven//:androidx_core_core", ], ) android_library( name = "androidx_legacy_support_v4", exports = [ "@maven//:androidx_legacy_legacy_support_v4", ], ) android_library( name = "androidx_material", exports = [ "@maven//:com_google_android_material_material", ], ) android_library( name = "androidx_recyclerview", exports = [ "@maven//:androidx_recyclerview_recyclerview", ], ) android_library( name = "camerax_camera2", exports = [ "@maven//:androidx_camera_camera_camera2", ], ) android_library( name = "camerax_core", exports = [ "@maven//:androidx_camera_camera_core", ], ) android_library( name = "camerax_lifecycle", exports = [ "@maven//:androidx_camera_camera_lifecycle", ], ) java_plugin( name = "autovalue_plugin", processor_class = "com.google.auto.value.processor.AutoValueProcessor", deps = [ "@maven//:com_google_auto_value_auto_value", "@maven//:com_google_auto_value_auto_value_annotations", ], ) java_plugin( name = "autobuilder_plugin", processor_class = "com.google.auto.value.processor.AutoBuilderProcessor", deps = [ "@maven//:com_google_auto_value_auto_value", "@maven//:com_google_auto_value_auto_value_annotations", ], ) java_library( name = "autovalue", exported_plugins = [ ":autovalue_plugin", ":autobuilder_plugin", ], neverlink = 1, exports = [ "@maven//:com_google_auto_value_auto_value", "@maven//:com_google_auto_value_auto_value_annotations", ], )