--- layout: default title: MediaPipe on Android parent: Getting Started has_children: true has_toc: false nav_order: 1 --- # MediaPipe on Android {: .no_toc } 1. TOC {:toc} --- Please follow instructions below to build Android example apps in the supported MediaPipe [solutions](../solutions/solutions.md). To learn more about these example apps, start from [Hello World! on Android](./hello_world_android.md). To incorporate MediaPipe into Android Studio projects, see these [instructions](./android_solutions.md) to use the MediaPipe Android Solution APIs (currently in alpha) that are now available in [Google's Maven Repository](https://maven.google.com/web/index.html?#com.google.mediapipe). ## Building Android example apps with Bazel ### Prerequisite * Install MediaPipe following these [instructions](./install.md). * Setup Java Runtime. * Setup Android SDK release 30.0.0 and above. * Setup Android NDK version between 18 and 21. MediaPipe recommends setting up Android SDK and NDK via Android Studio (and see below for Android Studio setup). However, if you prefer using MediaPipe without Android Studio, please run [`setup_android_sdk_and_ndk.sh`](https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/master/setup_android_sdk_and_ndk.sh) to download and setup Android SDK and NDK before building any Android example apps. If Android SDK and NDK are already installed (e.g., by Android Studio), set $ANDROID_HOME and $ANDROID_NDK_HOME to point to the installed SDK and NDK. ```bash export ANDROID_HOME= export ANDROID_NDK_HOME= ``` and add android_ndk_repository() and android_sdk_repository() rules into the [`WORKSPACE`](https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/master/WORKSPACE) file as the following: ```bash $ echo "android_sdk_repository(name = \"androidsdk\")" >> WORKSPACE $ echo "android_ndk_repository(name = \"androidndk\", api_level=21)" >> WORKSPACE ``` In order to use MediaPipe on earlier Android versions, MediaPipe needs to switch to a lower Android API level. You can achieve this by specifying `api_level = $YOUR_INTENDED_API_LEVEL` in android_ndk_repository() and/or android_sdk_repository() in the [`WORKSPACE`](https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/master/WORKSPACE) file. Tip: You can run this [script](https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/master/build_android_examples.sh) to build (and install) all MediaPipe Android example apps. 1. To build an Android example app, build against the corresponding `android_binary` build target. For instance, for [MediaPipe Hands](../solutions/hands.md) the target is `handtrackinggpu` in the [BUILD](https://github.com/google/mediapipe/tree/master/mediapipe/examples/android/src/java/com/google/mediapipe/apps/handtrackinggpu/BUILD) file: Note: To reduce the binary size, consider appending `--linkopt="-s"` to the command below to strip symbols. ```bash bazel build -c opt --config=android_arm64 mediapipe/examples/android/src/java/com/google/mediapipe/apps/handtrackinggpu:handtrackinggpu ``` 2. Install it on a device with: ```bash adb install bazel-bin/mediapipe/examples/android/src/java/com/google/mediapipe/apps/handtrackinggpu/handtrackinggpu.apk ```