# Description: # OpenCV libraries for video/image processing on Windows licenses(["notice"]) # BSD license exports_files(["LICENSE"]) OPENCV_VERSION = "3410" # 3.4.10 # The following build rule assumes that the executable "opencv-3.4.10-vc14_vc15.exe" # is downloaded and the files are extracted to local. # If you install OpenCV separately, please modify the build rule accordingly. cc_library( name = "opencv", srcs = [ "x64/vc15/lib/opencv_world" + OPENCV_VERSION + ".lib", "x64/vc15/bin/opencv_world" + OPENCV_VERSION + ".dll", ], hdrs = glob(["include/opencv2/**/*.h*"]), includes = ["include/"], linkstatic = 1, visibility = ["//visibility:public"], )