--- layout: default title: MediaPipe in JavaScript parent: Getting Started nav_order: 4 --- # MediaPipe in JavaScript {: .no_toc } 1. TOC {:toc} --- ## Ready-to-use JavaScript Solutions MediaPipe currently offers the following solutions: Solution | NPM Package | Example --------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- [Face Mesh][F-pg] | [@mediapipe/face_mesh][F-npm] | [mediapipe.dev/demo/face_mesh][F-demo] [Face Detection][Fd-pg] | [@mediapipe/face_detection][Fd-npm] | [mediapipe.dev/demo/face_detection][Fd-demo] [Hands][H-pg] | [@mediapipe/hands][H-npm] | [mediapipe.dev/demo/hands][H-demo] [Holistic][Ho-pg] | [@mediapipe/holistic][Ho-npm] | [mediapipe.dev/demo/holistic][Ho-demo] [Objectron][Ob-pg] | [@mediapipe/objectron][Ob-npm] | [mediapipe.dev/demo/objectron][Ob-demo] [Pose][P-pg] | [@mediapipe/pose][P-npm] | [mediapipe.dev/demo/pose][P-demo] [Selfie Segmentation][S-pg] | [@mediapipe/selfie_segmentation][S-npm] | [mediapipe.dev/demo/selfie_segmentation][S-demo] Click on a solution link above for more information, including API and code snippets. ### Supported plaforms: | Browser | Platform | Notes | | ------- | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------- | | Chrome | Android / Windows / Mac | Pixel 4 and older unsupported. Fuschia | | | | unsupported. | | Chrome | iOS | Camera unavailable in Chrome on iOS. | | Safari | iPad/iPhone/Mac | iOS and Safari on iPad / iPhone / | | | | MacBook | The quickest way to get acclimated is to look at the examples above. Each demo has a link to a [CodePen][codepen] so that you can edit the code and try it yourself. We have included a number of utility packages to help you get started: * [@mediapipe/drawing_utils][draw-npm] - Utilities to draw landmarks and connectors. * [@mediapipe/camera_utils][cam-npm] - Utilities to operate the camera. * [@mediapipe/control_utils][ctrl-npm] - Utilities to show sliders and FPS widgets. Note: See these demos and more at [MediaPipe on CodePen][codepen] All of these solutions are staged in [NPM][npm]. You can install any package locally with `npm install`. Example: ``` npm install @mediapipe/holistic. ``` If you would rather not stage these locally, you can rely on a CDN (e.g., [jsDelivr](https://www.jsdelivr.com/)). This will allow you to add scripts directly to your HTML: ``` <head> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@mediapipe/drawing_utils@0.1/drawing_utils.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@mediapipe/holistic@0.1/holistic.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> </head> ``` Note: You can specify version numbers to both NPM and jsdelivr. They are structured as `<major>.<minor>.<build>`. To prevent breaking changes from affecting your work, restrict your request to a `<minor>` number. e.g., `@mediapipe/holistic@0.1`. [Ho-pg]: ../solutions/holistic#javascript-solution-api [F-pg]: ../solutions/face_mesh#javascript-solution-api [Fd-pg]: ../solutions/face_detection#javascript-solution-api [H-pg]: ../solutions/hands#javascript-solution-api [Ob-pg]: ../solutions/objectron#javascript-solution-api [P-pg]: ../solutions/pose#javascript-solution-api [S-pg]: ../solutions/selfie_segmentation#javascript-solution-api [Ho-npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe/holistic [F-npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe/face_mesh [Fd-npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe/face_detection [H-npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe/hands [Ob-npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe/objectron [P-npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe/pose [S-npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe/selfie_segmentation [draw-npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe/drawing_utils [cam-npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe/camera_utils [ctrl-npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe/control_utils [Ho-demo]: https://mediapipe.dev/demo/holistic [F-demo]: https://mediapipe.dev/demo/face_mesh [Fd-demo]: https://mediapipe.dev/demo/face_detection [H-demo]: https://mediapipe.dev/demo/hands [Ob-demo]: https://mediapipe.dev/demo/objectron [P-demo]: https://mediapipe.dev/demo/pose [S-demo]: https://mediapipe.dev/demo/selfie_segmentation [npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mediapipe [codepen]: https://code.mediapipe.dev/codepen