# Description: # OpenCV xcframework for video/image processing on iOS. licenses(["notice"]) # BSD license exports_files(["LICENSE"]) load( "@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:apple.bzl", "apple_static_xcframework_import", ) load( "@//third_party:opencv_ios_source.bzl", "select_headers", "unzip_opencv_xcframework", ) # Build opencv2.xcframework from source using a convenience script provided in # OPENCV sources and zip the xcframework. We only build the modules required by MediaPipe by specifying # the modules to be ignored as command line arguments. # We also specify the simulator and device architectures we are building for. # Currently we only support iOS arm64 (M1 Macs) and x86_64(Intel Macs) simulators # and arm64 iOS devices. # Bitcode and Swift support. Swift support will be added in when the final binary # for MediaPipe iOS Task libraries are built. Shipping with OPENCV built with # Swift support throws linker errors when the MediaPipe framework is used from # an iOS project. genrule( name = "build_opencv_xcframework", srcs = glob(["opencv-4.5.1/**"]), outs = ["opencv2.xcframework.zip"], cmd = "&&".join([ "$(location opencv-4.5.1/platforms/apple/build_xcframework.py) \ --iphonesimulator_archs arm64,x86_64 \ --iphoneos_archs arm64 \ --without dnn \ --without ml \ --without stitching \ --without photo \ --without objdetect \ --without gapi \ --without flann \ --disable PROTOBUF \ --disable-bitcode \ --disable-swift \ --build_only_specified_archs \ --out $(@D)", "cd $(@D)", "zip --symlinks -r opencv2.xcframework.zip opencv2.xcframework", ]), ) # Unzips `opencv2.xcframework.zip` built from source by `build_opencv_xcframework` # genrule and returns an exhaustive list of all its files including symlinks. unzip_opencv_xcframework( name = "opencv2_unzipped_xcframework_files", zip_file = "opencv2.xcframework.zip", ) # Imports the files of the unzipped `opencv2.xcframework` as an apple static # framework which can be linked to iOS targets. apple_static_xcframework_import( name = "opencv_xcframework", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], xcframework_imports = [":opencv2_unzipped_xcframework_files"], ) # Filters the headers for each platform in `opencv2.xcframework` which will be # used as headers in a `cc_library` that can be linked to C++ targets. select_headers( name = "opencv_xcframework_device_headers", srcs = [":opencv_xcframework"], platform = "ios-arm64", ) select_headers( name = "opencv_xcframework_simulator_headers", srcs = [":opencv_xcframework"], platform = "ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator", ) # `cc_library` that can be linked to C++ targets to import opencv headers. cc_library( name = "opencv", hdrs = select({ "@//mediapipe:ios_x86_64": [ ":opencv_xcframework_simulator_headers", ], "@//mediapipe:ios_sim_arm64": [ ":opencv_xcframework_simulator_headers", ], "@//mediapipe:ios_arm64": [ ":opencv_xcframework_simulator_headers", ], # A value from above is chosen arbitarily. "//conditions:default": [ ":opencv_xcframework_simulator_headers", ], }), copts = [ "-std=c++11", "-x objective-c++", ], include_prefix = "opencv2", linkopts = [ "-framework AssetsLibrary", "-framework CoreFoundation", "-framework CoreGraphics", "-framework CoreMedia", "-framework Accelerate", "-framework CoreImage", "-framework AVFoundation", "-framework CoreVideo", "-framework QuartzCore", ], strip_include_prefix = select({ "@//mediapipe:ios_x86_64": "opencv2.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/opencv2.framework/Versions/A/Headers", "@//mediapipe:ios_sim_arm64": "opencv2.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/opencv2.framework/Versions/A/Headers", "@//mediapipe:ios_arm64": "opencv2.xcframework/ios-arm64/opencv2.framework/Versions/A/Headers", # Random value is selected for default cases. "//conditions:default": "opencv2.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/opencv2.framework/Versions/A/Headers", }), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = [":opencv_xcframework"], )