Added delegates in iOS gesture recognizer options

This commit is contained in:
Prianka Liz Kariat 2023-05-17 21:50:53 +05:30
parent ae2901459d
commit a4c280310b
2 changed files with 60 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -21,22 +21,73 @@
@class MPPGestureRecognizer;
* This protocol defines an interface for the delegates of `MPPGestureRecognizer` object to receive
* results of performing asynchronous gesture recognition on images (i.e, when `runningMode` =
* `MPPRunningModeLiveStream`).
* The delegate of `MPPGestureRecognizer` must adopt `MPPGestureRecognizerLiveStreamDelegate`
* protocol. The methods in this protocol are optional.
@protocol MPPGestureRecognizerLiveStreamDelegate <NSObject>
* This method notifies a delegate that the results of asynchronous object detection of
* an image submitted to the `MPPGestureRecognizer` is available.
* This method is called on a private serial dispatch queue created by the `MPPGestureRecognizer`
* for performing the asynchronous delegates calls.
* @param gestureRecognizer The gesture recognizer which performed the gesture recognition.
* This is useful to test equality when there are multiple instances of `MPPGestureRecognizer`.
* @param result The `MPPGestureRecognizerResult` object that contains a list of detections, each
* detection has a bounding box that is expressed in the unrotated input frame of reference
* coordinates system, i.e. in `[0,image_width) x [0,image_height)`, which are the dimensions of the
* underlying image data.
* @param timestampInMilliseconds The timestamp (in milliseconds) which indicates when the input
* image was sent to the object detector.
* @param error An optional error parameter populated when there is an error in performing object
* detection on the input live stream image data.
- (void)gestureRecognizer:(MPPGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
didFinishRecognitionWithResult:(nullable MPPGestureRecognizerResult *)result
error:(nullable NSError *)error
/** Options for setting up a `MPPGestureRecognizer`. */
@interface MPPGestureRecognizerOptions : MPPTaskOptions <NSCopying>
* Running mode of the gesture recognizer task. Defaults to `MPPRunningModeImage`.
* `MPPGestureRecognizer` can be created with one of the following running modes:
* 1. `MPPRunningModeImage`: The mode for performing object detection on single image inputs.
* 2. `MPPRunningModeVideo`: The mode for performing object detection on the decoded frames of a
* video.
* 3. `MPPRunningModeLiveStream`: The mode for performing object detection on a live stream of
* input data, such as from the camera.
@property(nonatomic) MPPRunningMode runningMode;
* The user-defined result callback for processing live stream data. The result callback should only
* be specified when the running mode is set to the live stream mode.
* TODO: Add parameter `MPPImage` in the callback.
* An object that confirms to `MPPGestureRecognizerLiveStreamDelegate` protocol. This object must
* implement `gestureRecognizer:didFinishRecognitionWithResult:timestampInMilliseconds:error:` to
* receive the results of performing asynchronous gesture recognition on images (i.e, when
* `runningMode` = `MPPRunningModeLiveStream`).
@property(nonatomic, copy) void (^completion)
(MPPGestureRecognizerResult *result, NSInteger timestampMs, NSError *error);
@property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<MPPGestureRecognizerLiveStreamDelegate>
/** Sets the maximum number of hands can be detected by the GestureRecognizer. */
@property(nonatomic) NSInteger numHands;
@property(nonatomic) NSInteger numberOfHands;
/** Sets minimum confidence score for the hand detection to be considered successful */
@property(nonatomic) float minHandDetectionConfidence;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_numHands = 1;
_numberOfHands = 1;
_minHandDetectionConfidence = 0.5f;
_minHandPresenceConfidence = 0.5f;
_minTrackingConfidence = 0.5f;
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
MPPGestureRecognizerOptions *gestureRecognizerOptions = [super copyWithZone:zone];
gestureRecognizerOptions.runningMode = self.runningMode;
gestureRecognizerOptions.completion = self.completion;
gestureRecognizerOptions.numHands = self.numHands;
gestureRecognizerOptions.gestureRecognizerLiveStreamDelegate = self.gestureRecognizerLiveStreamDelegate;
gestureRecognizerOptions.numberOfHands = self.numberOfHands;
gestureRecognizerOptions.minHandDetectionConfidence = self.minHandDetectionConfidence;
gestureRecognizerOptions.minHandPresenceConfidence = self.minHandPresenceConfidence;
gestureRecognizerOptions.minTrackingConfidence = self.minTrackingConfidence;