Updated iOS hand landmarker documentation to use swift names

This commit is contained in:
Prianka Liz Kariat 2023-09-08 19:16:15 +05:30
parent 18f16f6bb5
commit 75daf4e756
3 changed files with 62 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -48,82 +48,81 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(HandLandmarker)
@property(class, nonatomic, readonly) NSArray<MPPConnection *> *handConnections;
* Creates a new instance of `MPPHandLandmarker` from an absolute path to a model asset bundle
* stored locally on the device and the default `MPPHandLandmarkerOptions`.
* Creates a new instance of `HandLandmarker` from an absolute path to a model asset bundle stored
* locally on the device and the default `HandLandmarkerOptions`.
* @param modelPath An absolute path to a model asset bundle stored locally on the device.
* @param error An optional error parameter populated when there is an error in initializing the
* hand landmarker.
* @return A new instance of `MPPHandLandmarker` with the given model path. `nil` if there is an
* error in initializing the hand landmarker.
* @return A new instance of `HandLandmarker` with the given model path. `nil` if there is an error
* in initializing the hand landmarker.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithModelPath:(NSString *)modelPath error:(NSError **)error;
* Creates a new instance of `MPPHandLandmarker` from the given `MPPHandLandmarkerOptions`.
* Creates a new instance of `HandLandmarker` from the given `HandLandmarkerOptions`.
* @param options The options of type `MPPHandLandmarkerOptions` to use for configuring the
* `MPPHandLandmarker`.
* @param options The options of type `HandLandmarkerOptions` to use for configuring the
* `HandLandmarker`.
* @param error An optional error parameter populated when there is an error in initializing the
* hand landmarker.
* @return A new instance of `MPPHandLandmarker` with the given options. `nil` if there is an
* error in initializing the hand landmarker.
* @return A new instance of `HandLandmarker` with the given options. `nil` if there is an error in
* initializing the hand landmarker.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithOptions:(MPPHandLandmarkerOptions *)options
* Performs hand landmarks detection on the provided `MPPImage` using the whole image as region of
* Performs hand landmarks detection on the provided `MPImage` using the whole image as region of
* interest. Rotation will be applied according to the `orientation` property of the provided
* `MPPImage`. Only use this method when the `MPPHandLandmarker` is created with
* `MPPRunningModeImage`.
* `MPImage`. Only use this method when the `HandLandmarker` is created with running mode, `.image`.
* This method supports performing hand landmarks detection on RGBA images. If your `MPPImage` has a
* source type of `MPPImageSourceTypePixelBuffer` or `MPPImageSourceTypeSampleBuffer`, the
* underlying pixel buffer must have one of the following pixel format types:
* This method supports performing hand landmarks detection on RGBA images. If your `MPImage` has a
* source type of `.pixelBuffer` or `.sampleBuffer`, the underlying pixel buffer must have one of
* the following pixel format types:
* 1. kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA
* 2. kCVPixelFormatType_32RGBA
* If your `MPPImage` has a source type of `MPPImageSourceTypeImage` ensure that the color space is
* RGB with an Alpha channel.
* If your `MPImage` has a source type of `.image` ensure that the color space is RGB with an Alpha
* channel.
* @param image The `MPPImage` on which hand landmarks detection is to be performed.
* @param image The `MPImage` on which hand landmarks detection is to be performed.
* @param error An optional error parameter populated when there is an error in performing hand
* landmarks detection on the input image.
* @return An `MPPHandLandmarkerResult` object that contains the hand hand landmarks detection
* @return An `HandLandmarkerResult` object that contains the hand hand landmarks detection
* results.
- (nullable MPPHandLandmarkerResult *)detectInImage:(MPPImage *)image
error:(NSError **)error NS_SWIFT_NAME(detect(image:));
* Performs hand landmarks detection on the provided video frame of type `MPPImage` using the whole
* Performs hand landmarks detection on the provided video frame of type `MPImage` using the whole
* image as region of interest. Rotation will be applied according to the `orientation` property of
* the provided `MPPImage`. Only use this method when the `MPPHandLandmarker` is created with
* `MPPRunningModeVideo`.
* the provided `MPImage`. Only use this method when the `HandLandmarker` is created with running
* mode, `.video`.
* It's required to provide the video frame's timestamp (in milliseconds). The input timestamps must
* be monotonically increasing.
* This method supports performing hand landmarks detection on RGBA images. If your `MPPImage` has a
* source type of `MPPImageSourceTypePixelBuffer` or `MPPImageSourceTypeSampleBuffer`, the
* underlying pixel buffer must have one of the following pixel format types:
* This method supports performing hand landmarks detection on RGBA images. If your `MPImage` has a
* source type of `.pixelBuffer` or `.sampleBuffer`, the underlying pixel buffer must have one of
* the following pixel format types:
* 1. kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA
* 2. kCVPixelFormatType_32RGBA
* If your `MPPImage` has a source type of `MPPImageSourceTypeImage` ensure that the color space is
* RGB with an Alpha channel.
* If your `MPImage` has a source type of `.image` ensure that the color space is RGB with an Alpha
* channel.
* @param image The `MPPImage` on which hand landmarks detection is to be performed.
* @param image The `MPImage` on which hand landmarks detection is to be performed.
* @param timestampInMilliseconds The video frame's timestamp (in milliseconds). The input
* timestamps must be monotonically increasing.
* @param error An optional error parameter populated when there is an error in performing hand
* landmarks detection on the input video frame.
* @return An `MPPHandLandmarkerResult` object that contains the hand hand landmarks detection
* @return An `HandLandmarkerResult` object that contains the hand hand landmarks detection
* results.
- (nullable MPPHandLandmarkerResult *)detectInVideoFrame:(MPPImage *)image
@ -132,33 +131,32 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(HandLandmarker)
* Sends live stream image data of type `MPPImage` to perform hand landmarks detection using the
* Sends live stream image data of type `MPImage` to perform hand landmarks detection using the
* whole image as region of interest. Rotation will be applied according to the `orientation`
* property of the provided `MPPImage`. Only use this method when the `MPPHandLandmarker` is created
* with `MPPRunningModeLiveStream`.
* property of the provided `MPImage`. Only use this method when the `HandLandmarker` is created
* with running mode, `.liveStream`.
* The object which needs to be continuously notified of the available results of hand landmarks
* detection must confirm to `MPPHandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate` protocol and implement the
* `handLandmarker:didFinishDetectionWithResult:timestampInMilliseconds:error:`
* delegate method.
* detection must confirm to `HandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate` protocol and implement the
* `handLandmarker(_:didFinishDetectionWithResult:timestampInMilliseconds:error:)` delegate method.
* It's required to provide a timestamp (in milliseconds) to indicate when the input image is sent
* to the hand landmarker. The input timestamps must be monotonically increasing.
* This method supports performing hand landmarks detection on RGBA images. If your `MPPImage` has a
* source type of `MPPImageSourceTypePixelBuffer` or `MPPImageSourceTypeSampleBuffer`, the
* underlying pixel buffer must have one of the following pixel format types:
* This method supports performing hand landmarks detection on RGBA images. If your `MPImage` has a
* source type of `.pixelBuffer` or `.sampleBuffer`, the underlying pixel buffer must have one of
* the following pixel format types:
* 1. kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA
* 2. kCVPixelFormatType_32RGBA
* If the input `MPPImage` has a source type of `MPPImageSourceTypeImage` ensure that the color
* space is RGB with an Alpha channel.
* If the input `MPImage` has a source type of `.image` ensure that the color space is RGB with an
* Alpha channel.
* If this method is used for performing hand landmarks detection on live camera frames using
* `AVFoundation`, ensure that you request `AVCaptureVideoDataOutput` to output frames in
* `kCMPixelFormat_32RGBA` using its `videoSettings` property.
* @param image A live stream image data of type `MPPImage` on which hand landmarks detection is to
* @param image A live stream image data of type `MPImage` on which hand landmarks detection is to
* be performed.
* @param timestampInMilliseconds The timestamp (in milliseconds) which indicates when the input
* image is sent to the hand landmarker. The input timestamps must be monotonically increasing.

View File

@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
@class MPPHandLandmarker;
* This protocol defines an interface for the delegates of `MPPHandLandmarker` object to receive
* results of performing asynchronous hand landmark detection on images (i.e, when `runningMode` =
* `MPPRunningModeLiveStream`).
* This protocol defines an interface for the delegates of `HandLandmarker` object to receive
* results of performing asynchronous hand landmark detection on images (i.e, when
* `runningMode` = `.liveStream`).
* The delegate of `MPPHandLandmarker` must adopt `MPPHandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate` protocol.
* The delegate of `HandLandmarker` must adopt `HandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate` protocol.
* The methods in this protocol are optional.
@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(HandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate)
* This method notifies a delegate that the results of asynchronous hand landmark detection of an
* image submitted to the `MPPHandLandmarker` is available.
* image submitted to the `HandLandmarker` is available.
* This method is called on a private serial dispatch queue created by the `MPPHandLandmarker`
* for performing the asynchronous delegates calls.
* This method is called on a private serial dispatch queue created by the `HandLandmarker` for
* performing the asynchronous delegates calls.
* @param handLandmarker The hand landmarker which performed the hand landmarking.
* This is useful to test equality when there are multiple instances of `MPPHandLandmarker`.
* @param result The `MPPHandLandmarkerResult` object that contains a list of detections, each
* This is useful to test equality when there are multiple instances of `HandLandmarker`.
* @param result The `HandLandmarkerResult` object that contains a list of detections, each
* detection has a bounding box that is expressed in the unrotated input frame of reference
* coordinates system, i.e. in `[0,image_width) x [0,image_height)`, which are the dimensions of the
* underlying image data.
@ -60,32 +60,30 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(HandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate)
/** Options for setting up a `MPPHandLandmarker`. */
/** Options for setting up a `HandLandmarker`. */
@interface MPPHandLandmarkerOptions : MPPTaskOptions <NSCopying>
* Running mode of the hand landmarker task. Defaults to `MPPRunningModeImage`.
* `MPPHandLandmarker` can be created with one of the following running modes:
* 1. `MPPRunningModeImage`: The mode for performing hand landmark detection on single image
* inputs.
* 2. `MPPRunningModeVideo`: The mode for performing hand landmark detection on the decoded frames
* of a video.
* 3. `MPPRunningModeLiveStream`: The mode for performing hand landmark detection on a live stream
* of input data, such as from the camera.
* Running mode of the hand landmarker task. Defaults to `.image`.
* `HandLandmarker` can be created with one of the following running modes:
* 1. `image`: The mode for performing hand landmark detection on single image inputs.
* 2. `video`: The mode for performing hand landmark detection on the decoded frames of a video.
* 3. `liveStream`: The mode for performing hand landmark detection on a live stream of input data,
* such as from the camera.
@property(nonatomic) MPPRunningMode runningMode;
* An object that confirms to `MPPHandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate` protocol. This object must
* An object that confirms to `HandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate` protocol. This object must
* implement `handLandmarker:didFinishDetectionWithResult:timestampInMilliseconds:error:` to
* receive the results of performing asynchronous hand landmark detection on images (i.e, when
* `runningMode` = `MPPRunningModeLiveStream`).
* `runningMode` = `.liveStream`).
@property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<MPPHandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate>
/** The maximum number of hands that can be detected by the `MPPHandLandmarker`. */
/** The maximum number of hands that can be detected by the `HandLandmarker`. */
@property(nonatomic) NSInteger numHands;
/** The minimum confidence score for the hand detection to be considered successful. */

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
/** Represents the hand landmarker results generated by MPPHandLandmarker. */
/** Represents the hand landmarker results generated by `HandLandmarker`. */
@interface MPPHandLandmarkerResult : MPPTaskResult
@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(HandLandmarkerResult)
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSArray<NSArray<MPPCategory *> *> *handedness;
* Initializes a new `MPPHandLandmarkerResult` with the given landmarks, world landmarks,
* handedness and timestamp (in milliseconds).
* Initializes a new `HandLandmarkerResult` with the given landmarks, world landmarks, handedness
* and timestamp (in milliseconds).
* @param landmarks The hand landmarks of detected hands.
* @param worldLandmarks The hand landmarks in world coordniates of detected hands.
* @param handedness The handedness of detected hands.
* @param timestampInMilliseconds The timestamp for this result.
* @return An instance of `MPPGHandLandmarkerResult` initialized with the given landmarks, world
* @return An instance of `HandLandmarkerResult` initialized with the given landmarks, world
* landmarks, handedness and timestamp (in milliseconds).