MediaPipe supports calculator nodes for GPU compute and rendering, and allows combining multiple GPU nodes, as well as mixing them with CPU based calculator nodes. There exist several GPU APIs on mobile platforms (eg, OpenGL ES, Metal and Vulkan). MediaPipe does not attempt to offer a single cross-API GPU abstraction. Individual nodes can be written using different APIs, allowing them to take advantage of platform specific features when needed.
GPU support is essential for good performance on mobile platforms, especially for real-time video. MediaPipe enables developers to write GPU compatible calculators that support the use of GPU for:
* On-device real-time processing, not just batch processing
* Video rendering and effects, not just analysis
Below are the design principles for GPU support in MediaPipe
* GPU-based calculators should be able to occur anywhere in the graph, and not necessarily be used for on-screen rendering.
* Transfer of frame data from one GPU-based calculator to another should be fast, andnot incur expensive copy operations.
* Transfer of frame data between CPU and GPU should be as efficient as the platform allows.
* Because different platforms may require different techniques for best performance, the API should allow flexibility in the way things are implemented behind the scenes.
* A calculator should be allowed maximum flexibility in using the GPU for all or part of its operation, combining it with the CPU if necessary.
The design principles mentioned above have resulted in the following design
choices for MediaPipe GPU support:
* We have a GPU data type, called `GpuBuffer`, for representing image data, optimized for GPU usage. The exact contents of this data type are opaque and platform-specific.
* A low-level API based on composition, where any calculator that wants to make use of the GPU creates and owns an instance of the `GlCalculatorHelper` class. This class offers a platform-agnostic API for managing the OpenGL context, setting up textures for inputs and outputs, etc.
* A high-level API based on subclassing, where simple calculators implementing image filters subclass from `GlSimpleCalculator` and only need to override a couple of virtual methods with their specific OpenGL code, while the superclass takes care of all the plumbing.
* Data that needs to be shared between all GPU-based calculators is provided as a external input that is implemented as a graph service and is managed by the `GlCalculatorHelper` class.
* The combination of calculator-specific helpers and a shared graph service allows us great flexibility in managing the GPU resource: we can have a separate context per calculator, share a single context, share a lock or other synchronization primitives, etc. -- and all of this is managed by the helper and hidden from the individual calculators.
We provide two calculators called `GpuBufferToImageFrameCalculator` and `ImageFrameToGpuBufferCalculator`. These calculators convert between `ImageFrame` and `GpuBuffer`, allowing the construction of graphs that combine GPU and CPU calculators. They are supported on both iOS and Android
When possible, these calculators use platform-specific functionality to share data between the CPU and the GPU without copying.
The below diagram shows the data flow in a mobile application that captures video from the camera, runs it through a MediaPipe graph, and renders the output on the screen in real time. The dashed line indicates which parts are inside the MediaPipe graph proper. This application runs a Canny edge-detection filter on the CPU using OpenCV, and overlays it on top of the original video using the GPU.