71 lines
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71 lines
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# MediaPipe graph that performs face mesh on desktop with TensorFlow Lite
# on CPU.
# Path to the input video file. (string)
input_side_packet: "input_video_path"
# Path to the output video file. (string)
input_side_packet: "output_video_path"
# max_queue_size limits the number of packets enqueued on any input stream
# by throttling inputs to the graph. This makes the graph only process one
# frame per time.
max_queue_size: 1
# Decodes an input video file into images and a video header.
node {
calculator: "OpenCvVideoDecoderCalculator"
input_side_packet: "INPUT_FILE_PATH:input_video_path"
output_stream: "VIDEO:input_video"
output_stream: "VIDEO_PRESTREAM:input_video_header"
# Defines side packets for further use in the graph.
node {
calculator: "ConstantSidePacketCalculator"
output_side_packet: "PACKET:0:num_faces"
output_side_packet: "PACKET:1:with_attention"
node_options: {
[type.googleapis.com/mediapipe.ConstantSidePacketCalculatorOptions]: {
packet { int_value: 1 }
packet { bool_value: true }
# Subgraph that detects faces and corresponding landmarks.
node {
calculator: "FaceLandmarkFrontCpu"
input_stream: "IMAGE:input_video"
input_side_packet: "NUM_FACES:num_faces"
input_side_packet: "WITH_ATTENTION:with_attention"
output_stream: "LANDMARKS:multi_face_landmarks"
output_stream: "ROIS_FROM_LANDMARKS:face_rects_from_landmarks"
output_stream: "DETECTIONS:face_detections"
output_stream: "ROIS_FROM_DETECTIONS:face_rects_from_detections"
# Subgraph that renders face-landmark annotation onto the input video.
node {
calculator: "FaceRendererCpu"
input_stream: "IMAGE:input_video"
input_stream: "LANDMARKS:multi_face_landmarks"
input_stream: "NORM_RECTS:face_rects_from_landmarks"
input_stream: "DETECTIONS:face_detections"
output_stream: "IMAGE:output_video"
# Encodes the annotated images into a video file, adopting properties specified
# in the input video header, e.g., video framerate.
node {
calculator: "OpenCvVideoEncoderCalculator"
input_stream: "VIDEO:output_video"
input_stream: "VIDEO_PRESTREAM:input_video_header"
input_side_packet: "OUTPUT_FILE_PATH:output_video_path"
node_options: {
[type.googleapis.com/mediapipe.OpenCvVideoEncoderCalculatorOptions]: {
codec: "avc1"
video_format: "mp4"